Monday, October 8, 2012

Beanie Babies

Way back in 1992, I began a collection of Beanie Babies. I am guessing this habit lasted way longer that it should have because I currently own roughly 150 beanie babies. I even remember the horrified look on Chad's face one Christmas when my mother surprised me with several decorated on the tree. This was probably in college and should have been his cue to run. 

Now, to be fair, these things were supposed to be worth a million dollars by now. Ty had really cornered the stuffed animal market and threatened to retire each Beanie yearly. I looked them up on eBay a few years back only to be crestfallen that my plethora of beanies was worth about 50 bucks. I even had good ones like the Princess Diana bear. This saddened me. I hadn't gotten into the market quick enough to own "Tabasco" the bull before the real Tabasco copyright sued Ty and they had to rename him Snort. That one was worth some clams.  Nevertheless, I was banking on these things funding a large portion of my retirement.

Anyway, I did what any good mother who just realized her Beanies were not going to pay for a lake house would do - I gave them to my kids. I watched in horror as they gleefully pulled the plastic protected tag off each and every one of them. They play vet, zoo, school, and who knows what else with these things. I am glad they enjoy them, but I am going to be one sad mofo if the Beanie Baby market ever rebounds...

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