Sunday, October 14, 2012


We all have them. Not the human kind, but the kind that put a small dent in
your day.  Here are some of mine....

Cantaloupes - I buy these every time I go to the grocery store.  I buy the
whole ones due to the fact that one already cut up costs a billion dollars.
The problem is, I don't ever cut them up.  On the off chance that Chad gets
a wild hair and cuts one up, my kids enjoy a healthy dose of vitamin C.  I
am afraid of slicing food with large knives ever since I cut my thumb with a
bagel slicer.  My intentions are good, however most weekends I throw out a
squishy, untouched cantaloupe.

Ants- How do they survive like this?  I can hunt down the queen hill,
destroy it, and they have 10 new hills the next day.  Tenacious boogers.
Hate 'em.  This goes for flies and mosquitoes too, but I have been unable to
pinpoint their "nests" or whatever they have.

Acorns- Where do these suddenly come from?  Not only are they hell on my
feet when I'm trying to take a stroll through my otherwise soft grass, but
they will grow tiny little oaks all over my yard in the spring.  Also, they
make my dogs fat.  To combat my acorn infestation, I have taken to vacuuming
my yard with a shop vac.  This is soooo gratifying.  Listening to the acorns
get sucked up the tube and dumping out gallons of them in the trash is like
therapy. I have successfully dumped 5 full shop vacs full so far...

Single socks- Seriously.  Where does the other one go?  It makes no sense.
Only after a significant grace period do I throw the single away.
Sometimes the match shows up the next day stuck inside a pillowcase.

Horror movie trailers- Stop it! You are scaring my kids.  And me.  I don't
care to see a possessed child crawling across the ceiling during the
commercial break of Glee.

Leg hair- I shave twice a day sometimes.  My friends call it obsessive, I
call it not getting stuck to my sheets at night.  This is a Henley thing.
We have lots of body hair.  Thank goodness I am blonde(ish).  If I were
dark-haired I could make money at the fair sideshow. 

I am sure I have many more but at the risk of sounding like a lunatic I will
stop here.

1 comment:

  1. You aren't alone!

    Seriously, commercials for horror movies (eyeroll). Ugh, they give me the willies, God forbid my oldest is awake still when they come on.

    And I've long since given up on the single sock thing. My girls seldom have socks that match each other. There's an entire industry on mismatched socks, I just don't buy them that way.

    Leg hair...hard wax. It's a once a week thing now.
