Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lana vs. Pants

My mom is the coolest person I know.  She babysits whenever,takes care of my dogs when we are out of town, and gives me her Kohls cash when she earns it.  She is unintentionally funny, loves the Beach Boys, and would do anything for someone she loves.  (If she doesn't love you I hope you have a good place to hide.)

While she is a mathematical genius, she isn't the quickest to pick up on a joke.  This often makes her the butt of said joke, and she is way too easy to tease.  Once in Las Vegas we went to the hotel pool, and I noticed her swimsuit was on backwards.  After I pointed this out (rather loudly), all the other patrons were laughing, and my dad tells everyone she is really drunk (she doesn't drink).  Flustered from the harassment of her family members, she slips and falls in the pool.  It could not have been timed better.  What does Lana do?She doesn't get mad!  She paddles around the pool and laughs about it.  My dad and I will get ours one day...

Lana also has several quirky habits: 

She collects reading glasses. Actually, I think she just buys a new pair every time she can't find her current pair.  She probably has 100 pairs of reading glasses.  They can be found everywhere except on her face.

She hums and makes up silly songs. One might go..."Tess is the best, my noodle toddle goo..." The odd thing is that she might sing the same gibberish song the next week, which means it makes total sense to her.  

Those of you who know my mom know she frequently mispronounces things.  Parmesan cheese is "ParMEEzeeun," shrimp is "sremp",  a  rendezvous  is a "rendevozz", and Mexican food is "Messican".  (To my hispanic friends: she means no harm by this...the muscles in her mouth will literally not allow her to pronounce this word correctly.)

However, the biggest quirky habit (and most distressing) is that Lana really doesn't like wearing pants that much.  The doorbell rings... "Hang on I have to put on some pants!" Working at the computer...no pants.  Watching TV...no pants.  Babysitting my kids...we come home to see her pants on the floor.  We are used to it.  Chad doesn't even enter the house without shouting,  "Lana, we're home, put on your pants." My kids even have asked why Gan Gan is never wearing them.

Mom won't be offended by this blog entry.  She will laugh at herself. This is the most important thing my mother has taught me - never to take yourself too seriously.  Besides, she probably doesn't even know I have a blog and won't find it unless it shows up when Googling Barbra Streisand.  Love you, Lana!!